ground-UP SW Burnley Call for submissions August 2013

ground-UP SW Burnley Call for submissions August 2013
Commission at £16,800.00

1: Introduction
2: About ground-UP
3: What we are looking for..
4: Practicalities
5: Submission process
6: Selection Process
7: Submission checklist
8: Appendix and miscellaneous relevant information

1: Introduction
1.1   ground-UP would like to invite submissions for a commission/residency that will help engage local people and raise awareness of and celebrate sense of place in South West Burnley.

2: About ground-UP
2.1 ground-UP is a programme of artist residencies focusing on exploring and celebrating the uniqueness, the individuality, the commonality,` the sense of place in South West Burnley. We are interested in the arts as a process that stimulates dialogue and meaning-making and so we are less concerned with the creation of objects or products. Taking place over a period of twelve months, ground-UP invites the community to be directly involved with the commissioning of several residencies/commissions. This process is facilitated by three Creative Collaborators; two artists Cath Ford and Iain Broadley and ethnographer Dr Steph Hawke. Two artist residencies are currently taking place to conclude in September. The whole project is being documented in film.
2.2 ground-UP does not deal with assumptions or preconceptions. Through negotiation with the residents and working with an open and honest approach, the progress of the work will be allowed to evolve in an organic and reciprocal manner. The nature of ground-UP, partly looking to identify a shared consensus about South West Burnley displays what could be seen as an open invitation to ‘take part’, and also the option of ‘not to’, or ‘pop in and out’ when relevant. The project adopts a principle of ‘sharing’ and ‘giving’ to nurture trust and encourage and sustain the participation of those who would not readily engage.
2.3 ground-UP is managed by Burnley Borough Council and supported by awards from The Arts Council of England & Lancashire County Council and also a section 106 contribution from Keepmoat Homes, other funding may be sourced over the lifetime of the project. All Artists will be contract to and managed by Burnley Borough Council.
2.4 Whether good or bad, South West Burnley is in a time of huge change. This project seeks to identify and celebrate positive aspects of the life and heritage of the area, rather than dwell on the negative. For the purposes of our project, South West Burnley refers to the area bounded by Accrington Road, Manchester Road, Rossendale Road and Trafalgar Street.
2.5 This commission will exist alongside our emerging ‘South West Streets Museum’ project which centres on the collection of stories, memories and photographs which are donated in person and online. ‘South West Streets Museum’ is a discourse that weaves between face-toface interaction and social media. ground-UP want to explore local culture and how people make meaning of South West Burnley. It’s about finding ways of making the intangible tangible, the invisible visible and valuing the everyday. We hope the museum will exist not just online, but will include events and walks, and appear as a pop-up museum around the area. You can visit the museum here - !/groups/101901853301346/
2.6 Find out more about the project and the work Ground UP artists, and artists in residence have been up to on our blog:
You can also find us on our Facebook page for regular updates and to join the conversation

3: What we are looking for
3.1 We do not have a type of artwork or any expected outcomes already identified, however due to the nature of the funding for this specific commission coming from a Section 106 contribution from Keepmoat and aligned to a development there are conditions we have to recognise and explore. The outcome must represent value for money and have lasting impact.
3.2 Submissions are welcomed from artists working in all art forms. The residencies are artist led, it is about the artist's work engaging with the people and the place of South West Burnley and developing through connection with that environment.
3.3 The contribution from Keepmoat requires the public art initiative to contribute to elements of what is now an expired/defunct Area Action Plan. As the contribution was agreed during the lifetime of this plan we still have to recognise some elements of it. For information, relevant extracts from this plan are included in the appendix to this brief. In addition there is an agreement with planning and Keepmoat, that the commission will look to link the new housing and residents with the rest of the area.
3.4 Two residencies at a smaller scale are currently underway and are being documented by film makers. The artist may wish to build on this work. You can find information about the project activities to date on the project blog, referenced above.
3.5  We are looking for artists to submit proposals that demonstrate their unique practice, we want artists to inspire, thrill, excite and have the courage to challenge preconceptions whilst respecting the people and the place. We also anticipate the successful artist(s) will use this experience to develop their own artistic practice
3.6  We are looking for submissions to help engage people in conversation about life in South West Burnley Paramount to the residency is the artist's ability to work with people to creatively identify what is special and distinctive about the area in addition to the things that people have in common. 3.7 Self-motivated and the ability to work independently are essential characteristics for the successful artist(s). Whilst the Creative Collaborators can provide information about the area, topics that have already come up in discussion with residents, potential areas for exploration and some very useful contacts, they are only contracted for one day a week and are busy exploring their own practice during this time.
3.8 The successful Artist(s) will have the flexibility to come without any pre-conceived ideas of the place and will be responsive to the environment. We are looking for Artists who will 'enable' and not 'impose'. It is not essential to have any prior knowledge of the area or even have heard of Burnley. We hope you may unearth some hidden gems in SW Burnley.
3.9 We will expect the successful Artist(s) take part in the ground-UP dialogue and inspire ideas about how the future of the project may play out. In addition we would expect you to reinforce the nature of the whole ground-UP project by celebrating the positive aspects of sense of place that can generate a feeling of pride and self-esteem.

4: Practicalities
4.1 The total budget for this commission is £16,800 inclusive of all fees, (artist fees to be no more than £4,800 of the budget)
4.2 In the instance that a long-list need to be drawn up and Artists invited to a second round of the selection process each short-listed Artist will receive an honorarium of £300 to work up further detailed proposals, these honorariums will also form part of the total budget of £16,800.
4.2 The successful Artist(s) will be contracted to and managed by Burnley Borough Council.
4.3 The successful artist(s) will complete the residency/commission before end of Dec 2013.
4.4 The successful artist(s) is responsible for arranging and acquiring any necessary permissions, licenses etc. (inc.: planning permission, building regulations, event licenses etc. Any fees incurred must be covered by the total fee of £16,800.
4.5 ground-UP do not have a base in SW Burnley, but we do have good contacts with local groups and venues and will be able to support you to make contacts locally.
4.6 Whilst we are not defining a particular form that an end product can take, we are keen to ensure value for money and quality are achieved.
4.7 Please note, this is not a commission that can be completed remotely, neither is this a project where a ready made/already made work will be appropriate.

5: Submission:
Your submission must include:
5.1 Why you are interested in the commission.
5.2 What will be your starting point and what are your ideas for developing the residency.
5.3 Examples of work that you think are relevant - limit this to 3.
5.4 No more than 5 images, these can be attachments, links to web pages or on CD.
5.5 A breakdown of how you may allocate the budget
5.6 Two references and copies of any recent CRB checks.
5.7 Evidence of public liability insurance. If you are currently without public liability insurance we cannot offer a contract until we have seen evidence that you have acquired sufficient insurance. Whilst we would not recommend any specific insurers we can advise where you may seek suitable insurance cover.
5.8 Your submission should be no more than 2 sides of A4 (this does not have to include your images) and if submitting by email no more than 5mb in size.
5.9 The closing date for all submissions whether by e-mail, post or hand delivered is 9am on Monday 26th August 2013.
5.10 Please forward your email submission to and also Cc your message to
5.11 Submissions sent by post, please clearly mark your envelope with ground-UP submission and address to: Arts Department, Burnley Borough Council, St. Peter's Leisure Centre, Church Street, Burnley, BB11 2DL6

6. Selection Process
6.1 The submissions/proposals will initially be long-listed by members of the Arts Department and the Creative Collaborators in line with the submission criteria.
6.2 The submissions/proposals will then be shared with members of the community and from there a short-list will be drawn up.
6.3 Interviews are likely to take place mid September the format of these it to be decided with the community.

7: Submission checklist
Have you made sure....
o   provided correct contact details?
o   say why you are interested in the residency?
o   included examples of work?
o   ensured your electronic submission is no larger than 5mb?
o   have you Cc'd your electronic submission to
o   included a prospective budget?
o   that you can do what you propose within the budget as there are no other monies beyond the advertised fee?
o   checked the contact details of your referees are correct?
o   included evidence of public liability insurance?
o   checked that it will arrive before the closing date?

8. Appendix and miscellaneous relevant information:
SWBT SIT3: GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: The Council will improve the safety, convenience and attractiveness of footpaths and cycle routes across South West Burnley and Trinity. A strategic network of routes will be established with priority being given to those routes shown on the Proposals Map. A network of "Green Routes" will be developed linking existing and proposed open spaces, and connecting residential areas to open spaces, Scott Park, the canal and the open countryside. The Green Routes will also link residential areas to local facilities and public transport infrastructure. The Routes will be created through environmental enhancements such as tree planting, landscaping and improvements to existing roads and footpaths for the benefit of pedestrians and cyclists. Signage and street furniture will be designed in close consultation with residents and community groups to promote the local identity of the South West Burnley Green Routes Network. The Green Routes will be landscaped to encourage biodiversity, and will link into the existing Wildlife Corridors.