Progress update from the Ground UP team!

On Tuesday 26 March, Steph, Cath, Iain and Helen Jones from Burnley Borough Council got together at The Fold on Venice Avenue, to look at the terrific response to the briefs for the Ground UP residencies and documentation project. Fifty eight proposals were narrowed down and shortlisting will take place in the community with a panel of local representatives on Wednesday 24 April.

The Fold, Centre for Integrated Health and Wellbeing image courtesy of
The prospect of shortlisting in collaboration with the community is at once exciting and daunting. We anticipate each individual will come to the process with different levels of knowledge and understanding of participatory arts in practice. If people construct their understanding of something new based around what they already know, then the kinds of arts experiences ourselves and our community panel have had in the past will influence the way we interpret the proposals.

This however, is where the Ground UP project demonstrates ambition. Our aims are for everyone involved to develop their understanding about commissioning and developing socially engaged art, so that each one of us has gained from the experience. We’ll be using approaches that allow the panel to support one another as they consider each idea.

See you on the other side!