I had a very intriguing conversation with Victoria Dewhurst
of Ribble Rivers Trust on how we
may collaborate on a project in South West Burnley. Victoria is coordinating
the Urban Rivers Enhancement Scheme
throughout Burnley. Running
through South West Burnley are two significant culverts, one appears to run
from Scott Park and re-emerges at the bottom of Cog Lane. We discussed the
possibility of instigating a project that raises awareness of this water course
and explores it’s heritage and significance. The conversation raised many
potential areas of cooperation and suggested some very creative ways of looking
at the culverts. This led me to do some research where I ended up using the County Council’s MARIO service
to look at old maps of the area and overlapped them with present days maps.
This revealed some fascinating information, but didn’t solve one mystery …why
is Chicken Hill called Chicken Hill
….more later!