Start Small

Inspired by a number of projects I’ve seen that focus on high street shops, I set off with optimism, aiming to photograph shopkeepers and interview shoppers or begin a journey towards that. The resulting images with transcribed text I hoped would capture snapshots of life in South West Burnley.



A methodology sometimes used in qualitative research involves ‘purposive’ or ‘snowball’ sampling whereby one respondent recommends the next person the researcher should talk to. Taking this approach, I asked Susan in the Library to suggest the next person I should chat to and she recommended one specific shopkeeper whose business had thrived for decades. ‘Have you time for a chat?’ I asked, ‘nah, too busy, too busy’ he replied. ‘Can I take your photo?’ again no and especially not if it was to be published on a website. I wondered about trust and openness and the weight of suspicion and how it might be countered.  Who else should I talk to? ‘Try Kathleen the Florist’. And off I went.

Kathleen's Florist

Picture this: a vibrant local florist shop on the Friday afternoon before Mother’s Day. Workers in high visibility vests contemplated pots over bouquets, carnations over roses with Kathleen amongst them patiently giving her advice. This was not a shopkeeper with time on her hands! With friendly encouragement I snapped away, collecting images of the shop and next door’s green grocer’s.  I’m looking forward to visiting again.

Steph 09.03.13