South West Burnley Together

The South West Burnley Together group meets at Howard Street Community Centre to discuss issues relevant to residents in the area – who have an open invitation to take part.

Chaired by Alicia Foley from Calico Housing, the group brings together community police officers, councillors, residents, local authority representatives, health care professionals and other community representatives who all know and care for the area.

The meetings are a terrific opportunity for the Ground UP team to begin to identify opportunities to start conversations with people living in South West Burnley. So far the group have discussed issues around the funding of the Stoops and Hargher Clough Community Centre, which in part led to Cath and Iain getting involved with banner -making for the big London march last Monday.

Through the group we have learned about Groundwork’s proposals for improving some underused spaces in the area and heard about the consultation methods they employed. A consideration of how to engage people in discussion and encourage ownership of the new spaces elicited a wealth of local knowledge from those sitting around the table. In particular we talked about what motivates people to get involved in this sort of activity. We thought about how younger people might be involved. Their aspirations (and sometimes their poverty of aspiration) were considered along with the power of geographical  boundaries both political and conceptual. Moreover, residents who have experienced ineffective consultation can be suspicious about those who make promises. All of this only served to reinforce our confidence that the Ground UP approach is worth exploring.   

The South West Burnley Together group have also been thinking hard about National Road Safety Awareness Week. Jackie Flynn from Lancashire County Council is organising banners for schools to hang from their railings and gates, whilst Iain has suggested a family procession to highlight the need for drivers to watch their speed. More information to follow! 

In our last meeting we talked a lot about home economics and Alicia described some exciting schemes she has developed to help people manage their finances and eat more healthily.  Potential project ideas emerged from this discussion, especially with SW Burnley resident Wendy who works with older people and saw the potential for inter-generational cooking hints and tips. Combined with Alexis Walker’s WorldWar II reminiscence sessions this could be a great opportunity to get people talking about sense of place in SW Burnley!