Making the March

I have just come across this site 'Make the March' encouraging people to share the protest art they are making to take to the march in London on the 20th October! Fantastic. I definitely think the Stoops and Hargherclough Group should share their 'We love our community centre' banner as it is going to be big, bold, bright and beautiful.

It was Bob and Roberta Smith's twitter feed that led me to the page as he is going to be one of the judges, he is also one of the artist who appears in the 'stuff we like' page on our blog here! I have talked to so many young people about his work over the past couple of weeks and they have been inspired by his art, his humour, his politics and his style. I even dragged my paralympic poster off the living room wall to take it in to a school last week. They loved it (more than the art teacher did!) They also loved his book 'Make Your Own Damn Art' and managed to find every possible rude bit in it!